
glastonbury style diary

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I think it takes a year of festivalling to make your mistakes, learn your lessons and let what you’ve found out reflect next times bag-packing. Last time I went to Glastonbury I took way too much stuff. My rucksack was rupturing with the amount of clothes I had stuffed inside it. Not only was it a total pain to rifle through each morning, but carrying all those redundant clothes along with our tent, cider, super noodles and wet wipes was soul destroying. This year I planned an outfit for every day, right down to the knickers. I put each in a separate plastic bag to ward away the rain, and each morning was a fashion lucky dip!

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Vintage bag, JuJu jellies, Topshop dungarees,  ASOS shirt and H&M bikini top.

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Vintage army jacket, my boyfriend’s jumper, H&M dress, JuJu jellies.

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 Vintage shirt, Topshop shorts, boyfriend’s jumper,  hunter wellies, vintage sunglasses, free hair band from work and mud splatter donated by a fellow festival goer.

My top festival tips:

– Mix and match everything.

– Expect everything to get soaked.

– Don’t bring anything you really care about.

– Go mental with accessories.

– Dont be afraid to wear your wildest garments, someone there WILL look weirder than you.



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